I went to this outdoor event here and I saw the strangest thing. Because this event is sort of far from any shopping centers, there were not 1, but 2 ATM trucks. Yeah, that's right. A truck with an ATM built into it. There were special stairs connected so that people can reach the ATM machine. These trucks were provided by a major bank here. The kicker is, these trucks were not guarded at all. In fact, there wasn't even someone in the driver's seat. If you place these unguarded trucks back home where I'm from, they wouldn't have lasted 2 seconds. Someone would have stolen them right away. Now, it is a good idea that the trucks were there given that it was a bit isolated; and I'm guessing that did help with sales that customers didn't have to go far at all to obtain the money to make their purchases. But, when I saw that these trucks were not manned or guarded by anyone, ....I just couldn't help but busting out laughing. I imagine that would make a good monologue for any comedian in the states. To be fair, maybe there was some type of alarm or something on the tires that would make it hard for any burglar to steal the trucks without making a big scene. However, I didn't see any type of thing. Just goes to show how things here are a lot different from back home.